PlymouthCreate and ePorts

ePort Checklist

An adequate ePort meets the following guidelines:

  • Your site has an interesting title that is likely to grab someone’s attention
  • You’ve chosen a theme that reflects your own personal aesthetic or the topic of your site (and not just stuck with the default theme without trying out others)
  • The words “Hello World” (or equivalent) are not in any blog post title
  • The words “Just another WordPress site” (or equivalent) are not anywhere on the site
  • You have an About Page 
  • Your About Page has a photo (beyond the main header photo on the site)
  • Your About Page has a Creative Commons license or you added a copyright note
  • You have a menu on your ePort that directs to your blog and to your About/Home Page
  • You have sidebar links to any of your own social media accounts that you want visitors to know about (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
  • There are no weird formatting issues that make your site look messy or difficult to read
  • Your blog posts have interesting titles that are likely to grab someone’s attention
  • Your blog posts are not “walls of text” — you are using paragraphs and headings/subheadings to “chunk” up your text content.
  • Your blog posts contain links wherever it makes sense (for example, if you’re referring to an article you read online, you’re linking to it)
  • Where appropriate, you are uploading or embedding media (images, video, etc) to supplement your textual content.
  • You have set up a way for readers to comment on your blog posts (unless you have a compelling reason not to allow comments)
  • Links on your site are not raw URLs:
  • You have submitted your site info to the IDS/CoLab site so we can keep up with your work
  • Recommended: You have reviewed the LinkedIn Learning playlist on Website Design and paid attention to the aesthetics of your site

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